Tara PalmeriJuly 28, 2022
Joe Manchin’s Small Washington Dreams
Joe Manchin
Speculation about Manchin’s appetite for political power and ‘24 fantasies miss core truths about the coal millionaire, former jock, career public servant, and double-wide house boat denizen. He doesn’t want to be the President of the United States. He wants to be the President of West Virginia.
Tara PalmeriJune 16, 2022
The Biden Bubble
Ron Klain and Joe Biden
Despite frustrations that the White House needs a shift in direction, Biden is sticking with Ron Klain, and won’t be influenced by the media, the Twitter left, or anyone else. But just because Biden is loyal to Klain doesn’t mean that staffers aren’t above figuring out to whom they might want to hitch their wagons moving forward. Plus, notes on Liz Cheney’s rising left-wing reputation and Kim Guilfoyle’s Jan. 6 payday.