The Legal Nightmare of Seth Green’s Stolen Ape

Seth Green
Photo: Rodin Eckenroth/Getty Images
Eriq Gardner
May 31, 2022

At a time when war is raging, Covid endures, kids are being shot in schools, and inflation threatens a new recession, what is it that America’s brightest legal minds are obsessing over? For some, it’s Seth Green and his Bored Ape, a tale about ownership in the crypto age that exploded into public this week.

For those not familiar, there’s a series of 10,000 ape N.F.T.s known as the Bored Ape Yacht Club—highly-prized digital collectables living on the Ethereum blockchain. Green, best known for Austin Powers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, purchased one of the apes (#8398), named Fred, and then planned on having this ape star in a new animated series. But then, Green fell victim to a phishing scam. “Days before he’s set to make his world debut, he’s literally kidnapped,” Green said at a recent N.F.T. conference.