Ronna McDaniel
Dylan Byers March 22, 2024
In her post-R.N.C. reality, Ronna McDaniel will take her talents to NBC News for a post-peak cable contract that reflects both the stain of Trump and the humbling of the industry itself.
Dafna Linzer stepped down as Politico’s executive editor.
Dylan Byers March 10, 2023
The fast and mysterious departure of Politico’s executive editor may have been neither fast nor mysterious.
Chuck Todd
Dylan Byers May 18, 2022
Can an anchor cut from the Russertian mold re-reinvent a historic franchise as a modern media brand? And is NBC betting on the future for Meet the Press or merely paying a “talent management tax” to fund Todd’s vision?
Dafna Linzer
Dylan Byers March 23, 2022
Fifteen years after it broke onto the scene in an unmistakably disruptive manner, re-defining the stodgy news business with its metabolic frisky style and scoop-bazooka, Politico seems intent on entering its own Washington sinecure of sorts—as the pendulum swings, in the words of one founder, towards institutionalism in D.C. Will its new newsroom leader commensurately facilitate the anti-disruption disruption?