Hello, and welcome back to The Best & The Brightest.
It’s snowing here in D.C., but it’s much worse in Iowa, which has shaken up our schedule this week. Tomorrow, you’ll get Peter’s reportage on the Iowa caucuses, followed by Tara in New Hampshire on Wednesday, and Tina on Thursday. (Plus, a few pre-caucus notes from Peter and Tara in tonight’s edition, below the fold. And keep an eye out for Tara’s campaign notes in a special episode of The Powers That Be, publishing overnight, and on Somebody’s Gotta Win tomorrow.
📖 Also also: Tina’s book, The MAGA Diaries, drops tomorrow. It’s about her past life inside the conservative activist apparatus, and her escape from it. I’ve been peeking inside the galleys Tina gave me a couple months ago, and to say I can’t fucking wait is an understatement. Which is why I preordered two copies of the book. It was an accident born of my enthusiasm, but I’m not canceling either because, as any author will tell you, preorders are absolutely crucial to landing on the bestseller lists. Which, in addition to acquiring an excellent read, is why you should also preorder Tina’s book here.
Tonight, we have a full plate, with Abby Livingston’s report from Capitol Hill and then my follow-up interview with David Scheffer about South Africa and Israel at The Hague.
But first, a few notes from Peter and Tara as the voting in Iowa begins…
- Trump warning signs: It’s difficult to draw general election conclusions from a Republican caucus dominated by the most hard-core partisans, but I’ll be keeping an eye on a few swingy Iowa counties tonight for some clues about how Trump might perform in November against Joe Biden. Yes, most of the press will be watching the suburban counties outside Des Moines, like Dallas and Story. But I’m also going to be looking at...
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Last week, ahead of the hearing of South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, I brought you a conversation with my friend David Scheffer, the former U.S. ambassador at large for war crimes and a founding father of the International Criminal Court. I normally wouldn’t return to someone I just interviewed the very next week, but there were two things that made me break a rule I didn’t know I had. The first is that so many of you wrote in about David’s interview to say how much you appreciated his perspective and depth of knowledge, and how much texture it added to your understanding of these most charged of issues. The second is that I watched most of the six hours of hearings at the I.C.J. on Thursday and Friday, and had lots of questions myself, including: What did David make of... |