The ’25 K Street Draft Lottery

Joe Manchin is considered a top K Street recruit.
There will still be a few top recruits, and the most oft-mentioned, perhaps obviously, is retiring senator Joe Manchin, whose houseboat, “Almost Heaven,” has long been the bipartisan hangout for the Senate. Photo: Tierney L. Cross/Getty Images
Abby Livingston
August 28, 2024

Yes, we’re still technically four months away from the end of the congressional term, which means there are plenty of important votes to be cast and issues to be discussed. But there are also plenty of endangered or retiring members sprucing up their résumés in anticipation of a more lucrative career beyond public service. 

Indeed, early next year, numerous lawmakers will cast their final votes at the Capitol and seek a higher calling: lobbying—allowing them to finally demonstrate their long-suppressed fealty to fossil fuels, shipping, industrial farming, pharmaceutical research, artificial intelligence, the carried interest loophole, Big Tech, and the myriad other beleaguered mom-and-pop industries that thanklessly keep our economy afloat, and massively enriching themselves along the way. Bless their hearts, and God bless these United States of America and its well-lubricated revolving door.