Little Britain

emma tucker
The Fleet Street veterans bring a sense of swagger and mischief, and a low tolerance for navel-gazing and second-guessing. At its best, this enables a more exciting and potentially impactful journalism. Photo: Matthias Balk/picture alliance/Getty Images
Dylan Byers
February 9, 2024

The week before the Super Bowl is always a heady time in media—if only, perhaps, because so many operators and journalists are rubbing shoulders and so many executives are trying to announce deals, or bury rough announcements under the weight of the big game. This year was hardly any different. CNN C.E.O. Mark Thompson pulled the plug on his morning show and indicated that his turnaround plan will be as stark as announced. Meanwhile, Bob Iger, David Zaslav, and Lachlan Murdoch dropped the news of their epic and enigmatic streamer into the maw of the Super Bowl’s media day festivities, which surely was timed to provide momentum for earnings calls and infuriate Paramount Global C.E.O. Bob Bakish and Sean McManus, the retiring president of CBS Sports, which is airing the big game. Herewith, Jon Kelly and I dig into these issues and other related and top-of-mind media industry grumblings.

The British Are Coming

Jon Kelly: Dylan, I was listening to this podcast that Lauren Sherman turned me on to, which happens to be both great but also saddled with the worst title conceivable: Print Is Dead (Long Live Print!). As you could imagine, it features very long and digressive interviews with heroes of the magazine era like Kurt Andersen, Adam Moss, Walter Bernard, and most recently, Tina Brown