Happy Friday and welcome back to The Daily Courant, your pocket guide to Puck’s latest reporting.
Today, we start with Tara Palmeri’s insider analysis of Hunter Biden’s dueling P.R. strategies, pitting a restrained White House against a bare-knuckle outside comms apparatus. Plus, notes on Jeff Roe’s voyage into DeSantisworld.
Then, below the fold: Matt Belloni envisions a stable economic future for streaming. Tara chronicles the crumbling of Trump’s small-dollar fundraising machine. On The Powers That Be, Teddy Schleifer unpacks his scoop about Reid Hoffman’s bellicose G.O.P. donation strategy, while Ben Landy and Tina Nguyen evaluate the indictment hoopla’s affect on Trump’s candidacy. And on The Town, analytics whizz Julia Alexander joins Matt to discuss Paramount prospective sale of BET.