Welcome back to The Daily Courant, your afternoon assortment of Puck’s freshest reporting.
First up today, William D. Cohan circles the CBS-sized problem in Edgar Bronfman Jr.’s 13th-hour bid for Paramount. Even if the company’s special committee of the board flips its recommendation from the Ellison/RedBird offer, would Bronfman’s foreign partners create a CFIUS problem?
Plus, below the fold: John Heilemann gut checks the Dems’ post-D.N.C. euphoria. Dylan Byers examines the latest Bob Iger succession chatter. Marion Maneker offers a pressing rejoinder to recent art market hand-wringing. On Somebody’s Gotta Win, Tara Palmeri chats with Mosheh Oinounou and Ro Khanna about the red-pilling of Silicon Valley and Kamala Harris’s path to 270. On Fashion People, Lauren Sherman catches up with author Nancy MacDonnell about the Yves Saint Laurent paradox. And on The Powers That Be, Peter Hamby rings up Jon Kelly to chew over all the dish emanating from Chicago and reflect on Time magazine’s latest pivot.