McCarthy Aftershocks & The Texas Plot

kevin mccarthy
Photo: Nicholas Kamm/Getty Images
Abby Livingston
October 4, 2023

If there is one maxim that has proven unshakably true on Capitol Hill over the last fifteen years, it’s that for every action there is an opposite and escalated reaction. And so it will be fascinating to see exactly what follows Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry’s brusque eviction of Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer from their Capitol hideaways. Think things are petty now? Brace yourselves.

Even Republicans felt like the decision was reactive and unnecessary—although one operative I spoke with said the Democrats should have lost the space at the outset of the new Congress. A non-D.C. Republican texted me: “Need video of people vacating their Capitol hideaways set to ‘Layla’…” referencing the Goodfellas bloodbath montage.