Hi, and welcome back to Line Sheet. Thanks for all the smart responses to my year-ahead note—I’ll make sure to include some in a future issue.
Today is a real something-for-everyone special. I’ve got a (minor) update on my favorite Epstein adjacency, former Victoria’s Secret head Les Wexner; the (arguable) return of the bloggity blog; and a new chapter in the story that unites us all: Phoebe Philo.
Awards season kicks off here in Los Angeles in earnest this Sunday with the Golden Globes. Congrats to trade-pub connoisseur Jay Penske, who owns the Golden Globes through another one of his businesses, Dick Clark Productions, for getting CBS to air the awards show this year for a bargain-basement price. (Legacy publications, many of which have become red-carpet slideshow economies, are grateful.) I’ll be out a bit this weekend, so please say hi if you see me and I don’t see you.
By the way, instead of making a New Year’s resolution (a hopeless act), why don’t you sign your team up for a Puck corporate membership, guaranteed to stick for 12 whole months? Email [email protected] to learn more.
Mentioned in this issue: Phoebe Philo, Céline, Casey Lewis, blogs, Abercrombie & Fitch, Chip Wilson, Marlien Rentmeester, drops vs. deliveries, Les Wexner, Jeffrey Epstein, Joanna Goddard, and many more…
In fashion, 2023 was a year of confusion, but perhaps the most confusing element of all was how to feel about Phoebe Philo and her long-anticipated, drops-driven return to the scene. Actually, don’t call them drops, the Phoebe Philo people say. Internally, the Supreme-style product releases are referred to as “deliveries.” After all, they’re not sloughing off... |