The Best and Worst Deals of the Peak TV Era (Part 3)

sex lives of college girls
After calling Universal home since her days on The Office, Kaling jumped ship to Warners in early 2019 with a six-year, $51 million deal, for which she has delivered the breakout Sex Lives of College Girls. Photo: Katrina Marcinowski/HBO Max
Lesley Goldberg
August 27, 2024

We’ve reached the third act of our journey through the massive overall deals of the Peak TV era: the home runs, the clear winners, the deals that both sides would do all over again, if given the chance—and many have. (Parts 1 and 2, The Whiffs and The Questionables, are here and here.) Home runs can mean a steady stream of mid to high audience successes, or it can mean one global blockbuster, a platform-carrying superhit that justifies the entire deal. Most of all, despite the often astronomical dollar figures on these contracts, it means value—to the studio, to the platform where the show airs, and, most importantly, to the talent creating it all.

This article is Part Three of a three-part series. You can read Part One here, and Part Two here.